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Microservices Implementation for Reduced ‘Time to Market’

Microservices Implementation

Business Value Delivered

In the overall project duration, we addressed the client’s challenges in their legacy applications, enhancing their performance, productivity, and time-to-market.   

The core business value we delivered to the client include:  

  • Improved business agility 
  • Reduced time-to-market 
  • Enhanced application performance 
  • Streamlined infrastructure 
  • Effective microservices implementation 
  • Efficient client and process chain management 

Client Profile

The client is a Japanese IT and electronics service provider with its services majorly into Big Data, Smart solutions, Cloud, and 5G technology. It caters to requirements of almost all industry verticals, including Aerospace, Agriculture, Broadcasting, and more.  

Key Requirements

The client approached us for the License Management System project, which falls under Microservices’ development. They wanted us to develop microservices by implementing CQRS.    

Veritis Approach

Veritis has been assisting clients with microservices offering for more than 15 years.  As part of this project, Veritis microservices experts addressed the client’s concerns concerning the enhancement of legacy applications that caused them more time to market.   

Agile project planning, detail requirement analysis, reporting of deliverables, code coverage, CI/CD setup and containerization of .NET core applications were crucial pain points for the client.  

Veritis team addressed these concerns through agile implementation, sprint planning, code coverage, commit and merge check implementation, and static code analysis.  


As part of project implementation, the Veritis team encountered challenges during integration with the client’s existing infrastructure.  

Integration with existing servers was tricky due to different environments and a lack of relevant access.  

We identified dependent external services integration and formulated the stub for requests and responses for each story.  

We managed the profiles through NETcore 3.1, customizing with mocked implementation in local development and integrating with real services for higher environments.  

Benefits to Client

Veritis support to the client offered a range of benefits, including:  

  • Strategy on CI/CD implementation 
  • Transparency on status of deliverables 
  • Detail reports on build status, code coverage reports 
  • Cross-platform containerized application 

Environments, Tools and Platforms 

.NET Core 3.1, Azure Service Bus, MongoDB, SQL Server, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, QRS, EventFlow, MassTransit, Autofac, Serilog, Entity Framework and NUnit. 

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