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IT Infra Support for Financial Planning and Investment Advisory Services

IT Infra Support for Financial Planning and Investment Advisory Services

Client Information

Recognized by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, the client is one of the leading providers of financial planning and investment advisory solutions. With a strong portfolio of serving military industry, the client offers advisory services on securities with a key focus on banking, life insurance, mutual funds, among others.

Client Requirements

The client required a full-fledged managed IT infrastructure support with a special emphasis on the Implementation Module that can help the client support its customers through its financial advisory services.

Veritis Approach

In line with the client requirement, Veritis team of experts developed an Implementation Module to help financial advisors in providing right recommendations to their end-users. This module allows addition of existing customer accounts and provide relevant financial planning support in line with their requirements.

Challenge Areas

The key challenges associated with this specific project were dealing with the error messages between the applications. Our team of experts addressed this by writing a service on the angular side. The other key bottleneck was with regard to maintaining the transactions between accounts, which has been addressed through implementation of spring sessions on the server side.

Key responsibilities held:

  • Developing system using Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and Angular-UI
  • Developing User Interface Screens for presentation using AngularJS, Ajax, Bootstrap, JavaScript and HTML
  • Developing Angular controllers, services, filters and configured routing using Angular UI router
  • Developing REST services using Spring Boot, Spring REST and involved in creating REST controllers and Controller advices
  • Developing Spring AOP aspects for logging and exception handling, and involved in integrating Spring with Hibernate
  • Developing unit test cases and functional test cases using JUnit
  • Provide estimate for new modules and do impact analysis for engineering change requests
  • Perform peer code review and practice Agile and SDLC life cycles for product development
  • Improve overall performance of data processing by accessing databases directly through connection pools
  • Develop service-oriented system allowing use of business and processing behaviors previously constrained to the hosting application from external systems
  • Work with the system team to reduce response times and capture performance metrics to help improve the quality of service over time

Environments Used:

Java, JDK 1.7, AngularJS, JSON, Restful Web Services, Spring, Spring Security, Oracle 11g, Maven, GIT, SQL, Log4j, Spring Tool Suite, Hibernate and WebStorm.

Value Delivered

Overall, Veritis team of developers helped the client with implementation module facilitating ways for advisory operations, enhancing overall data processing efficiency through access to databases, developing service-oriented system all in coordination with the system teams to reduce the response time and timely improvement of services delivered.

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