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Hybrid Cloud Model: 6 Security Risks and Ways to Overcome!

Hybrid Cloud Model: 6 Security Risks and Ways to Overcome!

The hybrid cloud model presents a powerful solution for businesses seeking flexibility and scalability. Organizations can optimize their operations by combining on-premises infrastructure with public or private cloud resources. However, this approach also comes with its share of security cloud risks.

Cloud computing has transformed almost every industry’s functioning, making critical operations easy to manage. The skyrocketing digital trend has taken cloud adoption further, making the cloud almost an essential part of every organization.

Hybrid cloud environments are becoming increasingly prevalent, but so are concerns about their security. According to the Check Point Software Technologies 2023 Cloud Security Report, 76% of organizations express varying levels of concern, with many being extremely concerned about the security of their hybrid cloud setups.

These concerns are not unwarranted, as indicated by Thales’ 2023 Cloud Security Report, which highlights that 39% of businesses reported experiencing a data breach within their cloud environment over the past year, marking an increase from the previous year’s 35%.

These breaches are often caused by a combination of factors, with human error being the most prevalent, accounting for more than half (55%) of all incidents. Misconfigured cloud infrastructure is another primary source of security lapses, responsible for a staggering 68% of cloud security breaches, according to GetAstra’s 2023 Cloud Security Statistics.

Moreover, the same source indicates that 52% of cybersecurity experts view insecure APIs as a critical hybrid cloud security risk. Furthermore, the lack of visibility, particularly within hybrid cloud challenges, continues to pose a significant threat, as Pingsafe’s 2023 Cloud Security Statistics attribute 82% of cloud security breaches to this factor.

In addition, Statista’s findings emphasize the widespread nature of these issues, reporting that 80% of companies undergone a cloud security breach in the last year, and 83% faced such breaches within the last 18 months. They also highlight that nearly half (45%) of data breaches occur within the cloud, further underscoring the urgency of addressing hybrid cloud security risks.

The cloud has emerged in different variants to meet every infrastructure requirement from low to high, such as Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud. The Public Cloud serves as a general-purpose cloud for firms of all sizes. At the same time, the Private Cloud fulfills the enterprise requirements by being a dedicated platform, and Hybrid Cloud is a combination of both.

Regarding the security aspect, each of these cloud variants has its limitations! Public Cloud is often considered ‘less secure’ because of its open-source nature. Private Cloud, though ‘secure’, fails to offer the robustness or versatility of the public cloud.

We’ll explore the six primary security concerns associated with the hybrid cloud challenges and provide practical strategies to overcome them, ensuring your data and applications remain safeguarded.

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What is Hybrid Cloud Security?

Hybrid cloud security involves safeguarding data, applications, and infrastructure within an IT architecture characterized by varying workload portability, orchestration, and management across diverse IT environments, encompassing at least one public or private cloud.

The hybrid cloud model presents a unique prospect to mitigate data exposure cloud risks. It enables segregating sensitive or mission-critical data from the public cloud while simultaneously harnessing cloud capabilities for data that doesn’t entail equivalent levels of associated cloud risks.

Hybrid cloud security best practices are essential for safeguarding your data and operations across multiple IT environments. By adhering to these best practices, you can protect sensitive information and maintain seamless business continuity in your hybrid cloud setup.

Hybrid cloud security architecture protects your data, applications, and infrastructure across diverse IT environments. A well-structured hybrid cloud security architecture is vital for mitigating risks and maintaining the integrity of your operations.

Useful Link: Hybrid Cloud Vs Multi Cloud

Hybrid Cloud Security Components

With the growing adoption of hybrid cloud security solutions among businesses, it is imperative to emphasize the implementation of strong security measures for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring uninterrupted business operations. Here, we outline essential elements of hybrid cloud security solutions tailored for hybrid cloud business environments:

1) Authentication

Robust authentication methods, like two-factor authentication, are pivotal in thwarting unauthorized entry to sensitive data and guaranteeing that access to critical systems is limited to authorized personnel.

2) Visibility

Attaining comprehensive visibility within your hybrid cloud challenges ecosystem is paramount for the early detection of potential security threats and vulnerabilities. This is made possible through the utilization of advanced monitoring and logging tools.

3) Workload Security

Securing workloads at every stage of their lifecycle, from deployment to decommissioning, is a critical strategy for reducing the risk of security breaches. This comprehensive approach involves implementing secure coding practices, conducting vulnerability scanning, and performing routine security audits.

4) Microsegmentation

Enhancing security involves segregating workloads and applications into smaller, more secure segments. This strategic measure helps to contain potential security breaches and prevent unauthorized lateral movement within the network. This objective can be achieved by utilizing advanced network security tools.

5) Vulnerability Scanning

Regularly conducting vulnerability scans is essential for identifying potential security weaknesses within the hybrid cloud environment. This critical task can be accomplished using automated scanning tools and periodic security for hybrid cloud audits.

6) Configuration Management

Maintaining precise and current records of all configurations and modifications is a cornerstone of effective security policies in the hybrid cloud environment. This practice ensures regulatory compliance and the rapid detection and mitigation of potential security threats.

Useful Link: Cloud Native Applications: Understanding the Essentials

6 Crucial Security Challenges to Address in Hybrid Cloud

6 Crucial Security Challenges to Address in Hybrid Cloud

1) Compliance

In a hybrid cloud computing model, data traverses between high-secure private cloud and less-secure public cloud networks. This can often cause threat to data and compliance. Moreover, the advent of data security norms like GDPR has increased the watch on regulatory and compliance standards.

So, organizations have to take extra measures to ensure compliance requirements are met. Make sure both the public and private cloud networks are meeting standard norms like GDPR and that the data transfer mechanism adheres to regulatory requirements.

2) Data Privacy

This is another essential security challenge that can arise in a hybrid cloud model. Working with a hybrid cloud demands flexibility in data movement between public and private clouds. In such cases, there is a high chance that your data can fall prey to intruder attacks, challenging the organization’s data privacy rules.

Measures such as endpoint verification protocol, robust VPN, and firm encryption policy can encrypt and protect your data during security breach incidents.

3) Distributed Denial of Service

One of the most severe types of cyber-attacks, the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is another critical challenge that usually comes from multiple sources to target a single location. These attacks have multiple sources, which makes it challenging to trace and detect and typically pose high-risk factors.

To tackle this, one must maintain a strict monitoring system that can track inflow and outflow. This system should ideally be scalable, responsive, and should be able to handle multi-vector attacks.

4) Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Applying a hybrid cloud means handing over data governance and accountability to your public Cloud Service Provider (CSP). This can be a severe issue in any hybrid cloud security solutions compromise, leading to critical data loss. To avoid such issues, be extra careful in Service Level Agreements with your service provider to ensure data confidentiality. We need to understand security limitations and strictly define accountability factors.

5) Risk Management

Considering the vulnerabilities and threats, effective risk management and preventive safety measures must be taken to protect the organization’s Intellectual Property from potential risks. This can include using tools like IDS/IPS to scan malicious traffic and maintaining a log monitoring system with advanced firewall and security for hybrid cloud management features.

6) Data Redundancy

In case of limited data center capabilities, it’s essential to have a well-defined data redundancy policy to ensure timely back-up of critical data. This can be achieved by hosting multiple data centers from a single or multiple cloud service providers. This will also help a lot during data center outages.

Moreover, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will also help block unauthorized user access to critical data.


When considering the expansion of your infrastructure, especially in a hybrid cloud setup, it’s imperative to maintain an unwavering commitment to security. Prioritizing security should remain paramount as you embrace the new operational infrastructure of your choice. In this journey, remember that Veritis, a distinguished recipient of the Stevie and Globee Business Awards, stands ready to guide you with its expertise and experience.

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